Information to Gather Before Swimming Pool Construction

Information to Gather Before Swimming Pool Construction

When you live in a warm climate, a swimming pool is not just a great way to cool off, it can also add to the long-term value of your home.

Building a pool is a big investment, so make sure you get everything right the first time.

This will help you avoid short-term fixes and also help ensure the long-term health and longevity of your pool. Work together with a swimming pool builder Folsom, and be sure that you carefully consider a few key issues.

Site Choice

  • Location – A professional swimming pool contractor Folsomcan help you choose a site that not only suits you but can minimize costs. Tree removal and leveling a sloping yard are just some factors that lead to higher costs. It is also important to consider if there are any other features in the yard such as fountains that would have to be moved.
  • Local and State Regulations – Be sure to check with your local and state authorities before you even consider breaking ground on a new pool. There are several regulations in place regarding size, placement, etc. that affect your final decisions.
  • Budget – Do not keep your overall budget a secret from your pool builder. You can waste a lot of time working out details that in the end you either can’t afford or that don’t actually add any value. A pool professional can help you keep tabs on costs and help you avoid budget overruns.

The Details

There are several details that affect the overall quality and value of your pool, and you should talk about each of them with your swimming pool builder Folsom. Discuss extras such as diving boards, slides and steps, and be sure not to leave out even the smallest detail that affects your costs and leaves you happy with the finished product. Discuss details such as shape, tile selections and materials for the patio. Before you come up with a final plan, ask your swimming pool contractor if there are any details you left out. Their professional advice is crucial at this stage.

Final Professional Advice

You’ve been working with your swimming pool contractor Folsom all along, so it’s important to go through everything one more time to make sure you are on the same page.

Be sure you have every last detail down and that you haven’t rushed through the process without thinking everything through.

If you decide, for example, on a round pool and don’t inform your builder of that detail until the end, you may have to go back to the beginning of the process to determine if a round pool is even a viable option. If your contractor is hesitant about what you want to do, listen closely to why and avoid headaches down the road.